Nairobi Governor JOHNSON SAKAJA says GACHAGUA will not intimidate him – I am not a pushover!!


Wednesday, December 28, 2022 – Nairobi County Governor, Johnson Sakaja, has said he will not be intimidated by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Gachagua and Sakaja are currently engaged in a bitter war of words after the governor said he will eject long-distance matatus from the Nairobi Central Business District.

Gachagua termed the move ill-intentioned and aimed at persecuting the business community from Mt. Kenya.

But speaking on Tuesday, Sakaja said what he is out to implement what he says is for the common good.

He told Gachagua to look elsewhere for another county to try to dictate things.

“There are certain things we cannot compromise on…it is about a stand, sticking to it and providing leadership,” Sakaja.

Sakaja further said the Deep State members who always seem to control everything cannot defeat the voice of Kenyans.

“There is a deep state in terms of statecraft…There are few people who make certain decisions…few individuals who have great influence over billions of resources…but state capture can never be louder than the voice of the people. We have the rule of law,” Sakaja said.

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