RAILA ODINGA reveals why Azimio politicians were visiting ‘CHERERA four’ at Yaya Apartments


Wednesday, December 28, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has broken silence after details emerged that Azimio La Umoja politicians were meeting with four Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners at Yaya Apartments in Nairobi.

In an exclusive interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday, Raila defended the visits, saying his team wanted to know “the truth” of what was happening.

“The politicians were justified to visit these commissioners because they were saying No. Our people were actually justified in finding out the truth because that was already ex post facto. The result had already been announced by Mr. Chebukati,” Raila said.

It was revealed last week that the four were visited by top Azimio operatives, including Raphael Tuju and Nick Salat.

Yaya Apartments manager, while appearing before the Justice Aggrey Muchelule-led tribunal, revealed that one of Raila Odinga’s close allies settled the bill for their stay at the posh establishment.

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