See how renowned Lawyer AHMEDNASIR reacted to CJ MARTHA KOOME’s move to block comments in her tweets – Something is seriously wrong with the CJ


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 – Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi has weighed on a move by Chief Justice Martha Koome to block comments in her tweets.

Kenyans on Twitter can no longer comment on the CJ’s tweets but can react and retweet.

The move has seemingly angered Ahmednasir, who said the decision blocks many Kenyans from making comments and suggestions regarding access to justice in the country.

The controversial Lawyer, who has been an ardent critic of CJ Martha Koome, said the move is an indicator that many Kenyans have raised concerns with the Judiciary so much that the CJ has been forced to lock comments.

“Strange…no longer possible for both Mrs. Wanjiku and Mr. Hustler to comment on any tweets posted by the Hon CJ…I think the good lady is rightly tired of rabbles and dolts bombarding her with their views,” he tweeted.

Lawyer Ahmednasir has been criticising the CJ and the judiciary at large over the administration of justice in the country.

He has lamented over delays in the handling of cases and even poor work arrangements.

According to the lawyer, many courts in the country hardly sit to handle cases hence leading to piling up of cases.

He has blamed the CJ for this, saying that she has not been keen on ensuring that service delivery is efficient.

In some instances, he has raised concerns over delays in the handling of the cases, saying judges at times come late for the hearing of the case.

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