See how this Boda Boda rider gambled with his life and ended up dying – This death could have been avoided (VIDEO)


Wednesday, 28 December 2022 – A Boda Boda operator lost his life after being swept away by floods as he tried to cross a flooded bridge along Olalui-Kilgoris Road, Transmara County.

In the video that has since gone viral, the reckless Boda Boda rider is seen attempting to ride across the river against the rolling tide.

The area residents warned him not to cross, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

 The raging floods swept him as he tried to show his prowess after ignoring warnings from the area residents.

Transmara West Deputy sub-county Commissioner Mohamed Noor Hasan confirmed his death and said the body was retrieved and taken to Nyamache mortuary.

Below is a video showing how he lost his life.

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