Shock as new evidence reveals the 4 IEBC rebels were directly working for RAILA – Look! No wonder they didn’t want RUTO to be declared the winner

 Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga had set plans in motion to rig the August 9th General Election.

This was revealed in the new evidence against the ‘Cherera Four’

 According to the evidence tabled before Justice Aggrey Muchelule’s tribunal, embattled IEBC Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera and three other commissioners were directly working for and reporting to Raila.

The evidence reveals that the rebel commissioners met several Azimio leaders after the infamous August 15 presser to plan for the next course of action after IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati declared William Ruto as the duly-elected president-elect against their wish.

It is alleged that the four, Cherera, Francis Wanderi, Justus Nyangaya, and Irene Masit, were booked into an exclusive apartment in Kilimani after holding the press conference.

The beleaguered Cherera four were alleged to have signed in as tenants, after declining to share their details with the apartment management. 

Reports alleged that the three apartments were paid for on August 16 by an Azimio politician. 

The apartment management also claimed that the commissioners received top brass Azimio visitors immediately after checking in.

Among those alleged to have visited the apartments included former Jubilee party secretary general, Rafael Tuju and KANU’s Nick Salat. 

Cherera, Wanderi, and Nyang’aya have since resigned from the commission, with Masit staying put. She, however, filed a motion before the High Court asking it to quash her hearing before the tribunal. 

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