WAFULA CHEBUKATI is a criminal and should be jailed over what he did to me and Kenyans – RAILA declares

 Wednesday, December 28, 2022 – Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has maintained that President William Ruto did not beat him in the August 9th General Election.

Recounting his fifth unsuccessful stab at the House on the Hill, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader shifted all the blame to IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati.

During an interview, Raila revealed that what Chebukati did to him and the Kenyans amounted to crimes against humanity.

He called on the arrest and prosecution of Chebukati for overturning the will of the people when he declared William Ruto as the winner of the August presidential election instead of him.

At the same time, the former Prime Minister trashed the Aggrey Muchelule-led commission investigating the conduct of commissioner Irene Masit during the last election, saying it is Chebukati who should be in the dock.

“In my view, Chebukati should be prosecuted and sentenced to jail. What he has committed is a great crime against the humanity and people of this country,” the former Prime Minister explained.

“I believe strongly that he, not the other four commissioners, should be in the dock,” Raila concluded.

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