Your celebration was not in vain – President RUTO to reward a man who was mistaken to be Lands CS nominee


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – President William Ruto promised to reward a former Nyandarua MCA, who had previously claimed to be the Lands Cabinet Secretary handpicked by the Kenya Kwanza government. 

Speaking during an interdenominational church service at Wanjohi Primary School grounds in Kipipiri, Nyandarua County on Sunday, Ruto affirmed that the MCA had prepared a ceremony to celebrate the announcement. 

However, Ruto noted that Njeru’s efforts would not go unnoticed as he would gift him a token of appreciation. 

“I heard that there is someone who was a former MCA around here called Zacharia Njeru, I heard that he prepared a thanksgiving ceremony in his home.”

“However, I will get him something,” the president indicated

According to the president, he will ensure that he rewards the former MCA so that the thanksgiving celebrations he held when the names of the CSs were announced by the president do not go in vain. 

“However, this is the real Zachary Njeru, the CS from Nakuru County,” the president finished off before welcoming the businessman whom he appointed as Lands CS in his government. 

With President Ruto taking up the matter and promising to reward him, the former MCA will now have something to celebrate for his association with the ruling party. 

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