A whistleblower exposes how the Chinese are mistreating Kenyan staff working at the Nairobi Expressway and stealing from the Government – This is serious (READ).

 Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – A whistleblower has written to Robert Alai exposing how Kenyan employees working at the Nairobi Expressway are being mistreated by their Chinese bosses.

The Chinese tasked with managing the multi-billion expressway are also stealing from the Government.


Hello Alai, 

I work for Expressway Company and these Chinese guys are really mistreating us. Imagine they tell us the normal working hours is 8, and we report to work at 8 am but we are told not to leave before 7:30 pm and no overtime. There is a very toxic lady by the name of JOJO who even fires people in the middle of the night using Whatsapp and when you go to our African HR they implement it simply because they want to protect their “job”. 

Recently on 15-01-2023 paying toll using Mpesa was introduced but interestingly the management has informed all the toll attendants not to publicise the use of Mpesa because they don’t want their daily revenue to be known.

They have even gone ahead and frustrated payment via Mpesa in their systems with the help of their engineers. 

After the government had pressurized them to introduce payment via Mpesa they went ahead and made their payment method called Moja pay which is almost the same as Mpesa to frustrate the one from Safaricom. Why are these foreigners hiding the revenue made by the expressway??? The reason is they want to stay here forever, as per my statistics expressway in a single day on weekdays make upto 50million, so do the math and know how long it will take the loan to be repaid.

Another instance is they collude with Kenya Traffic police to block the Mombasa road highway around GM and force the motorist to use the expressway and telling them it’s free but shockingly at the exit you must pay or otherwise your vehicle will be towed or you get blacklisted. 

That is impunity of the highest order, Kenyans should boycott using this expressway for at least so some days because accountability should be there and they should also stop mistreating Kenyans.

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