KIPCHUMBA kills his week-old stepson

 Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – A manhunt has been launched for a man who murdered his week-old stepson on Tuesday, January 23 at Tarus village in Tapsagoi location before going into hiding.

Daniel Kipchumba is alleged to have killed the infant after tricking his wife to go outside the house and call for help while feigning sickness.

A police statement read;

“Kipchumba had reunited with his wife of 12 years Grace Atwoli in December last year after they separated in 2019, though she was heavily pregnant for another man.

“This appeared to have irked Kipchumba who had since married another woman during the first wife’s absence and moved in with her, in his mother’s compound. But unknown to Grace, Kipchumba had hatched a plot to take away the life her little bundle of joy.

He reportedly lied to his wife that he was feeling unwell and asked her to call his mother and his second wife to assist him to hospital.

The statement added;

“But when she returned accompanied by her stepmother and co-wife, Kipchumba was nowhere to be seen.

“Instead, the three stumbled on the lifeless body of the week-old baby lying on a mattress with visible marks on the neck and blood oozing from the nose and mouth. The baby’s head also appeared to have been hit with a blunt object.”

The body was moved to Kimbilio Nursing Home Hospital morgue awaiting autopsy.

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