Kisii LADY bites her husband’s privates during domestic squabble over alleged infidelity (VIDEO)


Wednesday, January 4, 2023 – A 35-year-old woman has been charged with biting and stabbing her husband’s privates in Kisii on New Year’s Eve.

Grace Oyaro was arraigned before Senior Principal Magistrate Caroline Ocharo, on Wednesday, January 4, for causing grievous harm to her husband Eliud Kepha after a disagreement on infidelity at their home in Nyanchwa estate.

She, however, denied the charge and ordered to deposit a bond of Sh50,000 with a similar surety so as to be freed as the case continues.

Frank Maswari, the advocate representing the husband opposed the bond terms saying the accused should not be released since the life of his client was at risk.

“I oppose the bond terms, however, anybody is entitled to bond, depending the nature of this case. My client if discharged from the hospital will stay with the accused in the same house and his security is not granted,” Maswari stated.

Court Prosecutor Hilary Kaino agreed on the bond terms on condition that the two don’t come in contact with each other since they were in a domestic relationship.

“Let the police escort the accused to her house whenever she wants to visit until the case is over,” Kaino stated.

The case will be mentioned on January 26.

Grace was arrested on Tuesday by police officers from Nyanchwa Police Station after she was discharged from a private hospital in Kisii where she was undergoing treatment.

Her husband, Eliud Kepha Onuko, 38, who sustained serious injuries was rushed Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital for immediate major surgery.

According to a police report, the two love birds had a bitter exchange over a suspected love triangle, sparking a bitter exchange between them.

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