Man pours hot oil on 18-year-old daughter after she tried saving her mother who was being assaulted by him


Wednesday, 11 January 2023 – A man has been arrested and arraigned in court for pouring hot oil on his 18-year-old daughter who tried to stop him from assaulting her mother.

B-Metro reported that the young lady from Sauerstown in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, was rushed to Mpilo Central Hospital after her enraged father assaulted and “fried” her with cooking oil as punishment for trying to stop him from beating up her mother.

38-year-old Anele Moyo was subsequently arraigned before Bulawayo magistrate Malvin Shortgame on two counts of assault.

He pleaded guilty to both counts and was remanded in custody till 12 January, 2023 for sentencing.

The court had to postpone sentencing for the girl’s medical examination result, so that the magistrate can come up with an ‘appropriate’ sentence.

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