MIGUNA MIGUNA begins his first revolution meeting to topple RAILA ODINGA as LUO Kingpin – PHOTOS

 Tuesday, January 10, 2023 – Self-proclaimed National Resistance Movement (NRM) general, Miguna Miguna, has started his journey of ‘rescuing’ members of the Luo community from being slaves of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga‘s family.

This is after he was spotted holding a serious consultative meeting with a section of Luo community leaders led by ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo and former Migori County Governor Okoth Obado, among other leaders.

When he returned to the country last year after almost five years in exile, Miguna vowed to start a revolution in Luo Nyanza that will see the region stop worshipping Raila Odinga and his family members.

The ‘General’ further said he will ensure the region develops economically like other regions and also have a share in the National Government.

Here are photos of Miguna Miguna‘s first revolutionary meeting to topple Raila Odinga as Luo Kingpin.

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