SHOCK as it emerges that Nairobi Governor JOHNSON SAKAJA is the man sponsoring RAILA ODINGA’s ‘revolution’ against RUTO


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – A section of Nairobi county MCAs has stated that Nairobi County Governor, Johnson Sakaja, is secretly funding former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s revolution to oust President William Ruto.

Led by Minority Leader Anthony Kiragu, the MCAs said Sakaja provided the venue and money for Raila Odinga’s Kamukunji rally on Monday.

“We are aware that he facilitated the planning of the Azimio meeting. He donated Charter Hall on Sunday afternoon where groups were meeting during the day to strategise, mobilise and do fundraising for that event,” Kiragu said.

He further alleged that the money used to plan the event was collected at Sakaja’s private office in Riverside.

“We are appealing to him to not wear a yellow t-shirt during the day and a blue one during the night,” Kiragu said.

During the rally, Azimio leader Raila Odinga vowed not to recognise William Ruto as President of Kenya, claiming he is in office illegally.

Raila also demanded that the Kenya Kwanza government resign, arguing that it had neither the mandate of the people nor the ability to govern.

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