Woman loses her job after she is caught on camera making racist rant at bouncer who escorted her from wine bar (VIDEO)


Wednesday, 11 January 2023 – A woman who was filmed racially abusing a bouncer outside a cocktail bar in Halifax, UK, has been handed a police caution and sacked from her job.

Mum-of-two Justine Morrison, 51, spent the weekend in police custody after a video of her racist tirade towards the doorman was posted online.

The former part-time accountant and a man believed to be her husband, were kicked out of a cocktail bar in Halifax, West Yorkshire after upsetting the other customers.

In the video, she can be seen clapping her hands together in mock applause as she is ejected from the venue, and saying: ‘Oh my god you must be so proud. You’re working on a door.’

A man behind her tells her: ‘Come on, Let’s Go.’

But as they turn to leave, she turns to point her finger at the doorman and says: ‘You black man.’

As she walks away, she spits the word ‘Black’ at the doorman once again, before adding: ‘That’s why you get a name. Black.’

Ms Morrison has since admitted the offences and accepted a conditional caution, which involves taking part in a restorative justice programme and accepting responsibility for her actions.

The owner of Vine Bar, where the incident occurred, later confirmed she has been permanently banned from the venue.

A statement released by the bar read: ‘All the staff and management at Vine are truly appalled at the behaviour of the customer who racially abused our doorman last Friday evening.

‘This kind of behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated and we are thankful that West Yorkshire Police took swift and decisive action.

‘Abuse of hospitality staff is unfortunately a problem that needs stamping out. No one should have to go to work and endure abuse; it’s just not acceptable.’

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