‘YESU WA BUNGOMA’ tells President RUTO what will happen to Kenya in the next 460 days – Kindly prepare for this!!


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 – A Bungoma-based cult leader who claims to be the bonafide son of God has predicted what will happen to the country in the next 460 days.

Pastor Eliud Wekesa who has nicknamed himself as ‘Yesu Wa Bungoma’ asked President William Ruto to be prepared for what is set to happen to the country in the next 460 days.

In his premonition, he says that he foresees big things happening and that Kenya as a country will soon take over the entire globe, with the entire world bowing before it.

The controversial deity claims he is the real Messiah who God sent to the world to deliver humankind from the shackles of sin.

According to him, his ministry and mission are not limited to Bungoma, his native county.

“Many ask if I’m the Jesus or another one. I am the Jesus Christ. I am the one. Jesus belongs to the whole world,” he said in a recent interview.

The faithful of his church hold him in high regard, and they marvel at his ability to heal the sick and perform other miracles.

To help him with his ministry are 12 disciples whom he says are descendants of Jacob.

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