Nine ODM MPs who visited RUTO’s State House are emulating what RAILA ODINGA has been doing – KHALWALE says


Tuesday, February 14, 2023 – Kakamega County Senator, Dr. Boni Khalwale, has castigated former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for attacking and threatening nine ODM MPs who visited President William Ruto at State House Nairobi last week.

Raila has been using unsavory words against the MPs who said they visited Ruto to ensure development in their constituencies.

Speaking on Tuesday, Khalwale said Raila should not attack the MPs because they imitated what he does.

Khalwale opined that the MPs are Raila’s children and that they are only following what Raila has been doing in the previous regimes.

He said in the previous regimes, Raila has been cooperating with the ruling parties and that the nine MPs moved to cooperate as he has.

“When Raila goes for cooperation with Moi, then he goes for nusu mkate with Kibaki, then he goes for the handshake to Uhuru, what is wrong with his children learning that it is just a matter of time before Baba does what he normally does and they do it ahead of him,” Khalwale said.

Raila Odinga has threatened to expel the MPs from ODM and they may lose their seats for going against the party rules and regulations.

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