RAILA forced to cancel his anti-RUTO protest rally in Kisii after warning – Look! BABA was caught flat-footed as he didn’t expect this


Monday, February 13, 2023 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was forced to cancel his planned protest rally against President William Ruto and his government in Kisii today.

The postponement came hours after a section of political leaders from Kisii warned former Prime Minister Raila Odinga against holding demonstrations in the region.

While postponing the rally, the Azimio leadership did not acknowledge if the decision was occasioned by the resistance from leaders from Kisii.

Kisii County Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party Chairperson Kerosi Ondieki revealed that the decision was made after wide consultations.

However, Kerosi urged leaders from the region to support ODM and Azimio’s agenda.

“We want to give everyone a chance to attend Azimio rallies and share their opinion because this is an ODM stronghold,” he beseeched dissidents.

Ondieki tentatively set the date for a rally on Friday, February 17, should members from the region agree.

Former Kisii Governor James Ongwae had stated that Azimio rallies would affect the region negatively and that there was no room for protests.

“President William Ruto has been visiting different regions in the country and initiating development projects.”

“We do not want demonstrations that will cause uneasiness which will prevent the President from visiting our region and giving us our share of development projects,” he remarked.

His sentiments were echoed by his former deputy, Joash Maangi, through a separate statement.

“Azimio should give Ruto’s administration time to work before starting countrywide rallies,” he remarked.

Maangi further explained that the region had nothing against the President since he had appointed leaders from the region to high-profile offices.

“Demonstrations will make us miss more appointments from the Kenya Kwanza government,” he added.

The opposition from Kisii and the subsequent postponement of the rally could set a precedent for other regions in the country to oppose Raila’s nationwide rallies.

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