RUTO wants to reduce the cost of living, insecurity, and hunger but RAILA is preventing him – CS MITHIKA LINTURI incites Kenyans

 Tuesday, February 14, 2023 – The Kenya Kwanza government has accused former Prime Minister Raila Odinga of impeding the efforts by President William Ruto to make life bearable for Kenyans.

Speaking at St Thomas Athi Catholic church in Igembe South, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka, and a section of MPs accused Raila of blocking Ruto from delivering his campaign pledges to Kenyans with his anti-government protests.

They told Baba to ditch his protests and give Ruto ample time to revive the economy of the country.

Linturi particularly called on Raila and former President Uhuru Kenyatta to retire from active politics and unite with the government of the day to help boost the economy of the nation.

“There is no need of trying to frustrate the government through making unnecessary noise and demonstrations because what Kenyans want is service delivery and a better life, not showbiz. Raila cannot continue complaining about election rigging every time Kenyans are tired,” Linturi stated.

The CS further urged the former president to consider retiring in peace calling him to shun supporting the opposition to fight and frustrate the government.

“Uhuru’s time was there and now it’s Ruto’s time let them give him peace. 

“In fact, Kenya kwanza was frustrated by the former government, some of us went through a lot but we are okay with it because we won the election. So, we are asking Uhuru to rest peacefully and instead support his former deputy leader,” he added.

At the same time, Lusaka, Igembe South MP John Paul Mwirigi and his Imenti Central counterpart hit at first family calling on them to abide by the law and pay tax.

The Bungoma county boss stated that asking the Kenyatta family to pay tax is not witch-hunting but a constitutional obligation.

Mwirigi faulted the ODM leader for trying to block service delivery by misusing the youth to hold demonstrations.

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