A businessman shot dead in broad daylight by thugs in Kibra.

 Friday, March 10, 2023 – A 42-year-old businessman died on Wednesday after he was shot by armed thugs in broad daylight in Kibra, Nairobi.

The deceased, Oscar Ngugi, was accosted by two thugs outside his shop in Mashimoni area.

The thugs ordered him to surrender the cash he was carrying.

A tussle ensued and in the process, they shot him at close range.

 “The man was about to go to the market when he was accosted by the thugs. They first started conversing in a local dialect before ordering him to surrender the cash,” a witness said.

They stole Sh12, 000 from him before fleeing the scene.

The thugs reportedly shot into the air to disperse the public as they fled.

The brother of the businessman rushed him to hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Police arrived at the scene of the crime minutes after the incident despite the whole incident happening near the police station.

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