Defiant GACHAGUA sets conditions for dialogue with RAILA ODINGA as AZIMIO protests intensify – LOOK!

 Sunday, April 2, 2023 – Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has urged former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to forget about joining the government.

Speaking in Nyeri County on Saturday, Gachagua claimed that Raila has been blackmailing President Ruto into talks to join the government, claims Mr. Odinga has denied, insisting he has no interest in “joining an ailing administration that cannot feed its people.”

“I want to say here in Nyeri, the land of freedom fighters, that it is not possible for him to come to the government through the back door.

‘‘There are no constitutional provisions whatsoever to bring Raila Odinga into government,” Mr. Gachagua claimed.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah echoed Gachagua’s sentiments, saying whereas they were willing to have the talks, it must only be on the state of the economy and nothing else, even as the opposition insisted all their issues must be addressed.

“Any dialogue should and must be on the state of the economy and not on extra-constitutional and ridiculous blackmail issues such as servers opening and reversal of matters already determined in line with our statutes and constitution like the IEBC panel constituted in line with our laws and election results,” Mr. Ichung’wah said.

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