Drama as a notorious motorbike thief seeks refuge at a maternity ward after a bloodthirsty mob cornered him – He was rescued by police (PHOTOs).


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 – A robbery suspect who had sought refuge at a hospital in Kuria West, Migori County, is lucky to be alive after police saved him from an irate mob of boda boda riders that was baying for his blood. 

Moments before the rescue, Mwita Daudi Marwa, 45, who is believed to be a notorious motorcycle robber had leaped into Mother & Child hospital and taken refuge in a delivery room, much to the consternation of parturient mothers who were heavy in labour. 

Torn between releasing the suspect to the irate nduthi-men or having him in the facility at that critical moment, the nurses on duty chose to save the man’s life from the bloodthirsty mob that was threatening to storm into the hospital. 

Luckily, a contingent of police officers that was conducting patrols in the town heard the commotion and rushed to the scene as the mob threatened to set the hospital ablaze. 

The officers managed to gain entry into the facility but had to sneak the suspect out via the roof to avoid a confrontation with the visibly angry mob that had jammed the entrance, as it accused the suspect of masterminding the disappearance of several motorbikes in the area.

But as the police vehicle stormed out of the hospital grumbling with fatigue from the recent high-octane assignments witnessed in the county, the determined mob blocked the beast and started pelting it with stones and other projectiles. 

This prompted the officers to deploy teargas in a bid to disperse the crowd and restore normalcy. 

The OCS Kehancha police station suffered injuries on his left ankle as he led his men in the delicate rescue mission, while the police vehicle returned to the station minus its windscreen and with several dents. 

The hospital’s ambulance was also extensively damaged and several windowpanes in the hospital’s main building smashed. 

Luckily, nobody was injured in the hospital as its operations resumed as usual, with several officers left behind to keep guard. 

Meanwhile, the suspect is currently in custody being processed for arraignment.

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