Forget about KOFI ANNAN-like dialogue – RUTO tells RAILA ODINGA that the talks must be held in Parliament whether he likes it or not!

Monday, April 10, 2023 
– President William
Ruto has slammed Azimio One Kenya Alliance for demanding the talks between him and the government be structured like the 2008 talks led by the late Kofi Annan.

During the 2008 talks, Raila Odinga became Prime Minister after the country was almost torn apart by the 2007 post-election bloodshed.

Following the 2008 script, Raila has demanded the planned talks between Azimio and Kenya Kwanza Alliance be held outside parliament, to accommodate everyone like during the 2008 talks.

But Ruto, who spoke over the weekend, urged Raila Odinga to forget Kofi Annan-like talks.

“They (the opposition) should stop bothering us. I heard them saying that they want an arrangement similar to the Koffi Annan talks that gave them nusu mkate government. We want to tell the old man (Raila) that he should forget about the handshake or any coalition arrangement. 

“Our focus is to serve the people,” Ruto said.

“Do I look like someone who would agree to a handshake? I simply told Raila to stop the demonstrations. Take the talks to Parliament. Take the ‘open the server’ requests to Parliament. What is important is that he looks to the future, the election is now behind us,” Ruto added.

The talks may begin later this week since Raila Odinga has already formed a team that will engage with Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders.

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