Forget all the rumours as RAILA reveals the tricks he used to survive an assassination attempt by RUTO’s goons last Thursday

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
 – Azimio la
Umoja Leader Raila Odinga has disclosed that he was subject to an assassination attempt by rogue police officers. 

Speaking during an interview with the Voice of America (VoA), Raila disclosed that police had planned to kill him during the Thursday demonstrations in Nairobi. 

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader claimed that he was forced to hide under his car seats as his car came under a heavy barrage of firepower. 

“I had to take cover, and went on the seats to keep myself away from the bullets that were hitting the car,” Raila recounted. 

Raila also revealed that the shooters categorically aimed at the area in which he was sitting, noting that the suspected assassins knew that he sat at the back of the car. 

“We initially thought that they were firing in the air, but later discovered that they were aiming directly at me,” Raila stated. 

The ODM party leader claimed that the shooters received specific orders from top government officials to kill him.

“I don’t think any police officer could aim to shoot and assassinate politicians without being commanded from the very top,” Odinga noted, as he showed journalists dents and bullet holes on his armoured vehicle.

He accused President Ruto of taking the country to pre-colonial times with what he termed as attacks against peaceful demonstrators.

Raila explained that he was simply leading a group of protesters who were merely exercising their right to picket. 

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