Drama as MIGUNA MIGUNA forced to run for his dear life after angry mourners chased him from a funeral in Homa Bay for disrespecting RAILA – LOOK! (VIDEO)


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 – There was drama in Kasipul in Homa Bay yesterday after angry mourners literally chased controversial Lawyer Miguna Miguna from the funeral for disrespecting Azimio Leader Raila Odinga.

Miguna found himself between a rock and a hard place when a group of mourners heckled him for castigating Raila for what he termed as “not embracing multi-party democracy”.

After Miguna’s disparaging comment on Raila, hell broke loose as angry mourners started heckling and insulting him with unprintable adjectives.

He was forced to end his speech prematurely and run for his dear life after mourners became violent and charged towards him for accusing Mr Odinga of allegedly forcing people in Nyanza into a one-party system.

He began his speech in Dholuo before switching to English. He then took the war between President William Ruto and Mr. Odinga to the funeral.

When speaking, the lawyer drummed up support for the Head of State.

“The President is called William Ruto. He is the President whether you like it or not,” he said.

He then castigated the ODM leader, accusing Mr. Odinga of being behind the political woes facing the people of Nyanza. According to him, the Luo community does not like multi-party democracy, implying that they love ODM more than any other party.

As he spoke, some people cheered while others made all sorts of noise including blowing vuvuzelas.

He said fighting for multi-party democracy was for Kenyans to enjoy the fruits of independence.

However, because of Mr. Odinga, he claimed, the Nyanza region is not enjoying the fruits of independence.

“Right now, the people of Nyanza are not enjoying the fruits of independence because of one Raila Amollo Odinga. I have said it,” Dr Miguna before he was ejected.

“Raila ok mbasni. Kwenda kabisa (Raila is not your age mate. Go away),” one man shouted at him.

“Don’t speak ill about Raila. We are in pain and you are making it worse,” another yelled.

Watch the video below>>> 

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