If you want to end your career, apply as IEBC Chairman or Commissioner – Former IEBC Chairman ISSACK HASSAN warns.


Thursday, May 18, 2023 – Former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman, Issack Hassan, has said the commission is a ‘graveyard’ of people’s careers and reputations.’

Appearing on Jeff Koinange Live on Citizen TV on Wednesday, Hassan said it’s always an honour to work in public service, but not when you are on the electoral commission.

He equated being IEBC chairman to a poisoned chalice, which once you take, there is no coming out alive.

The former electoral agency chief said serving in that capacity could get lonely because he could not even confide in anyone for fear that anything he said could be taken out of context.

“It is always a privilege and honour to work in public office but in the electoral commission, it is worse. It is almost like a thankless job,” Hassan said

“Being a chairman of the commission is very stressful and can be lonely sometimes at the top because you do not have a lot of people to confide in. Anything you do or say can be misinterpreted.

“I think it has been converted into a graveyard of careers and reputations and the chairman of the commission is a poisoned chalice. You take it, you will not come out of it alive.” he said.

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