“It sure helps to be out of the White House”- Barack Obama speaks about the 10 years his wife, MICHELLE, “couldn’t stand him”


Wednesday May 17, 2023 – Former US President, Barack Obama has opened up on his relationship with wife, Michelle Obama.

Obama said that when it comes to his relationship with his wife, Michelle Obama, “it sure helps to be out of the White House, and to have a little more time with her.”

In December 2022, former U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama, sat down with REVOLT Studios, where she spoke about the stress of living in the White House and raising their kids, opening up about a challenging period in her marriage to former President Barack Obama. And now, Barack has responded — in a typically honest and gracious fashion.

“People think I’m being catty by saying this — it’s like there were 10 years [that] I couldn’t stand my husband,” Michelle Obama said at the time. “And guess when it happened? When those kids were little… Because you can be all great individually when you’re just married, you got your life, he’s got his, you come together it’s like ‘oh, good to see you, bye, take it easy.”

Michelle also in an interview with CBS Mornings last month, stated that she opens up about these things “because marriage is hard.”

“And a lot of young people quit on marriage over things that are just a part of the commitment,” she said. “We’ve been married for 30 years. If I fell out with him for 10, and we had a great 20 years. I’d take those odds anytime.”

She said that at a time when marriage is glamorized and “more about the dress,” it is incumbent upon people who have had successful marriages to be honest about the fact that making a commitment to be with someone means compromise, which “ain’t always fun.”

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