My girlfriend no longer calls me ‘babe and my love’ – Man expresses worry over current state of his relationship


Wednesday May 17, 2023 – A Facebook user, Freedom Bilankulu Wo Rhunga, has expressed worry over the current state of his relationship.

According to him, his fine girlfriend no longer calls him ‘my love and babe’.

“I’m in a romantic relationship with a fine girl. My problem now is that whenever we’re charting when I say ” I love you” she ignores it Nd when I ask she says she didn’t see it, she calls me by name unlike in the beginning of our relationship where we used to call each other babe, my love, nowadays when I say good morning babe she just say “good morning……)  

I no longer feel loved

Should I get worried or its high time I move on with my life without her?” he said in a Facebook post on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. 

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