RAILA ODINGA lashes out at RUTO’s Finance Bill, warns of further hardship for already struggling Kenyan Middle Class.

 Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance party leader, Raila Odinga, has said the Finance Bill 2023 is aimed at punishing Kenya’s growing middle class, who are already struggling with the high cost of living.

Addressing journalists on Tuesday, Raila acknowledged that the country is ready for tax reforms, but the Finance Bill did not capture the changes needed.

“Yes, the country is ripe for tax reforms, but the Finance Bill 2023 is not one of them. The Finance Bill 2023 is severely punishing the middle-class people who are already suffering. It doesn’t spur economic growth at all,” Raila said.

The former premier called on the government to expand the tax bracket instead of levying more taxes on Kenyans who are already paying taxes.

“Instead of merely levying more taxes on Kenyans, Kenya Kwanza must address the economy’s many structural shortcomings. For instance, there is a reason why the Kenya Revenue Authority is unable to meet its revenue targets,” he said.

“Kenya Kwanza must incorporate all productive citizens into its nation-building projects. Currently, the regime has alienated a huge section of the population who see themselves as outsiders and strangers in their own country.”

According to Raila, the government must rationalize public expenditure, adding that the administration must live within its means, instead of spending money it does not have on programs and projects the country does not need.

“Kenya Kwanza must address the public concern that even as taxes rise on everything and for everyone, there is no clear plan to spend new tax revenues on welfare programs for the poor. 

Instead, those taxes will only stoke inflation and hurt the purchasing power of poor families,” Raila added.

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