Restored Trust? Global Fund Reinstates Sh 54 Billion Grant to Kenya Following RUTO’s Dismissal of PS Josephine Mburu and KEMSA Senior Officials.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – The Global Fund has reinstated the Sh 54 billion grant to Kenya after President William Ruto suspended Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) board and fired Public Health Principal Secretary Dr.Josephine Mburu.

While making the changes at KEMSA on Monday, Ruto appointed Irungu Nyakera as KEMSA board chairman and Muthoni Mburu as Principal Secretary in charge of Public Health.

Following the KEMSA purge, Global Fund, who had earlier suspended a deal to supply 10.3 million mosquito nets worth Sh 3.7 billion to Kenya, reinstated the deal and even announced other tenders worth Sh 54 billion to fight malaria, HIV and Tuberculosis for the next three years.

For the past 21 years, the Global Fund has worked with partners around the world to fight HIV/Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria including strengthening health and community systems. 

“Based on the Global Fund Board’s decision in December 2022 on the funding available for the 2023-25 allocation period, Kenya has been allocated US$392,989,068 for HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria and building resilient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH). Kenya is also eligible for additional catalytic matching funds totaling to $15 million,” the firm said on Wednesday.

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