Former Mungiki leader MAINA NJENGA takes war to GACHAGUA’s doorstep – Wants the DP summoned over this!


Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has requested the High Court to summon Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over contempt of court allegations.

Maina, who was arraigned in court on Tuesday, accused Mr. Gachagua of making public comments about a case where he is facing several charges, including being a member of an organized criminal group.

“This court has a duty to protect the sanctity of trial and proceedings before it. It is prohibited, under the general rule of law, to comment that amount to subjudice. 

“The facts of the case ought not to be discussed in any form other than the court,” reads court documents.

In his prayers to the court, Njenga asked the court to summon Gachagua, arguing the comments he has made about him amount to contempt because the matter is still subjudice.

“This attracts the punishment by the court where so is established. In this case, I have been asked to call upon to summon the person in the name and form of Deputy President, Republic of Kenya, who is accused of making comments amounting to sub judice,” the judge said.

However, Njenga’s prayers were declined with the court saying it was not satisfied that there was indeed a violation.

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