Health CS NAKHUMICHA cracks the whip after expose as she suspends NHIF managers for stealing from the sick – Look! RUTO’s govt is rotten to the core.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023 – Health CS Susan Nakhumicha has suspended eight National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) branch managers in the latest corruption scandal in President William Ruto’s administration.

This is after they were accused of using underhand tactics to fleece innocent Kenyans.

This follows an expose in which rogue hospitals are accused of colluding with NHIF managers to steal from Kenyans using innocent patients.

While addressing the media, Nakhumicha faulted cartels for colluding with the branch managers to orchestrate the scheme. 

Nakhumicha directed the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to liaise with the NHIF board to carry out investigations and submit a comprehensive report within seven days. 

Further, she directed the NHIF board to take action against staff suspected of colluding with the cartels to fleece unsuspecting victims. Nakhumicha invited the whistleblower of the exposé to assist EACC detectives with the investigations. 

“I wish to express my disappointment at the staff at my ministry who took part in this callous syndicate. I met with the NHIF board chair and instructed him to commence investigations, including inviting the whistleblower to share details regarding this heartless and ruthless cartel.”

“I also asked the board to take action against culpable staff and directed a preliminary report be shared by the NHIF board within 48 hours,” Nakhumicha ordered. 

She also directed the ministries divisions in charge of relations to take action immediately and issue a substantive report. 

“I have made a special request with EACC to liaise with NHIF to carry out investigations with the aim of finding out how these cartels siphon resources. This report should be availed within seven days.”

“In my last message, I reiterated that hospitals should reopen while pending payments, but some facility owners used the opportunity to fleece Kenyans. Beyond verifying current outstanding payments, we are embarking on a verification exercise of all payments to flag any inconsistencies,” she indicated. 

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