High Court tames CS MOSES KURIA’s loose tongue after his vulgar diatribe against NMG – He will never attack the media again.


Thursday, June 22, 2023 – The High Court has moved to tame Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria’s loose tongue.

This is after it issued an injunction barring Moses Kuria from attacking any media practitioner.

The order was given by Justice Lawrence Mugambi, pending the determination of a suit filed by human rights defender Charles Mugane.

Mugane filed the petition in the High Court days after the Trade CS threatened to withdraw all government advertising from Nation Media Group, the parent company of NTV and Daily Nation.

Kuria’s threats were a response to an exposé the Kimathi Street-based media house ran on an edible oil scandal allegedly orchestrated by his ministry.

In the order, Justice Mugambi also warned Kuria against indirectly making utterances that would overtly be interpreted as insulting, demeaning, belittling, condescending, disdainful, disparaging or vilifying towards any media practitioner. 

However, Justice Mugambi equally stated that the order is temporary and will remain in effect until the case is heard and determined.

While addressing the Press at the precincts of Parliament after grilling by the Senate over his verbal diarrhea, Kuria vowed not to apologise for his remarks, noting that he is pro-media but some Journalists had gone rogue.

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