I don’t care if RUTO is your friend or you are in UDA – KINDIKI now vows to crash Kalenjin politicians who incited locals to invade tea farms.


Friday, June 16, 2023 – Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has warned politicians, especially those allied to President William Ruto’s UDA, that he is coming for them.

Speaking at a gathering of the Lamu Security and Intelligence Committees in Witu, Kindiki warned that he would not spare anyone inciting the public to violence.

According to Kindiki, all Kalenjin MPs and MCAs found guilty of incitement to violence in Kericho would face the law.

He warned that DCI would promptly press charges against the politicians, ensuring their expeditious arraignment in court.

“The leaders who were inciting violence in Kericho were UDA members and they had to record statements with the police.”

“If we find enough evidence against them, we will take them to court. We must build a nation that is peaceful and accountable to the law,” he stated.

Additionally, Kindiki warned that leaders allied to the Azimio Coalition who provoked others to violence will also face the law.

“Political, religious, and community leaders who are inciting members of the public to engage in acts of violence and destruction of property in the guise of resolving long-standing issues will be dealt with firmly.”

“Even those on the other political side will not be spared. We do not care who you are,” Kindiki added. 

According to Kindiki, many political leaders had taken to social media and vernacular radio stations to air views that were increasingly inciting people to violence.

Seven UDA politicians were on June 5 interrogated by the DCI over the invasion of James Finlay’s farm and Ekaterra Plc after establishing that the demonstrations were politically instigated.

Some of the politicians and activists who appeared at the DCI headquarters include; Kapsoit MCA Paul Chirchir, Chaik MCA Mathew Korir, Ainamoi MP Benjamin Langat, and political activist Gilbert Kipkoech among others.

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