ODM MP complains that WILLIAM RUTO is not giving handouts nowadays – He is just as stingy as BABA.

 Monday, June 19, 2023 – A vocal Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Member of Parliament has lamented that President William Ruto is neither giving handouts anymore nor picking up calls as he used to during the campaign period.

Speaking on Sunday while dismissing claims that he was paid to stay away from Parliament during the Second Reading of the Finance Bill 2023, Lurambi MP Titus Khamala said that couldn’t be true as Ruto was no longer dishing out monies like he used to do during his presidential campaigns.

Khamala said contacting the president had become harder as he was no longer picking up calls.

 “You are my friend, but things have changed. Whenever I call your phone, it goes unanswered. I was not used to that. They claimed that you paid me so that I could avoid Parliament on the day of voting for the bill, but I had a ceremony,” Khamala said.

“How can they say you gave me money, yet we haven’t seen each other? Even when I come to see you, my name is no longer there,” he said leaving the congregation in laughter.

Khamala, who is also a bishop, said he recently went to visit Ruto with former MP Benjamin Washiali, but he noticed things have changed as they did not receive anything.

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