RAILA’s Azimio salutes UDA’s GATHONI WAMUCHOMBA for standing up to RUTO’s dictatorship – See what MARTHA KARUA said?

 Saturday, June 17, 2023 – Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba is already a celebrity among the Azimio supporters despite being elected on President William Ruto’s UDA party.

This follows her bold move to stand up against Ruto’s dictatorship, especially on the controversial Finance Bill 2023.

In a statement, Azimio Principal and NARC Kenya Leader Martha Karua lauded Wamuchomba for going against Ruto’s dictatorship and voting against the Finance Bill of 2023.

“Congrats Wamuchomba for your firm stand in articulating your constituents and views of a majority of Kenyans. A true representative of the people,” Karua tweeted.

Wamuchomba went against the grain by voting against the bill, when it came up for the second reading on Wednesday despite Ruto threatening Kenya Kwanza MPs with dire consequences if they vote against the bill.

Her position stirred mixed reactions across the political sphere with legislators and supporters of Azimio the leadership of Raila Odinga and Karua, praising Wamuchomba for being patriotic, bold, steadfast, and true to the people’s voice.

Specifically, wa Muchomba described the bill as economically murderous, citing the increment of fuel levy from 8% to 16% would translate to a high cost of living.

She argued that the people who voted for her were struggling to put food on the table, owing to the economic situation, and taxing them further would be letting them down.

The vocal legislator argued that she would rather lose her seat for going against her party’s position but be on the right side of the people who elected her to represent them.

Taking to Twitter yesterday, Karua poured out praises to Wamuchomba, describing her as a true people’s representative.

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