Shock as Sudan makes damning allegations against RUTO and why they don’t want him in Sudan – Look! This should worry Kenyans even more!

 Tuesday, June 20, 2023 – Diplomatic relationship between Kenya and Sudan is in crisis. This is after Sudan refused President William Ruto to lead the peace talks in the war-torn country.

According to Ambassador Sanaa Hamad, Ruto is the real problem as he fully supports the war that is going on in Sudan.

As a result, Sanaa urged the world to support Sudan by boycotting Kenyan products, saying Ruto has made Kenya a center of conspiracy and aggression against Sudan.

He noted that Ruto is working for one of the tyrants and militia leaders in Sudan by the name of Hemedti, who financed his election campaign and bought his loyalty.

He revealed that Ruto has put his efforts, his position and his government at the service of a criminal militia in Sudan that has killed civilians, displaced them from their homes, looted them, and raped thousands of women.

The Ambassador felt sorry for Kenyans for being led by a corrupt individual in the person of Ruto, who is working at the whims of the thugs and militia in Sudan.

“President of Kenya Ruto does not deserve to rule the great people of Kenya, he is just a corrupt politician and a bribed President and supporter of thugs and militias,” Ambassador Sanaa stated.

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