“They both love me” – Man seeks advice on who to marry between his two girlfriends

Monday June 19, 2023
 – A music
artist is seeking advice on who to choose between his two girlfriends.

“Help a brother, I have two girls that I am currently dating now,” he said in a Facebook post on Monday, June 19.

“They both love me like bad, but am just trying to make a good choice, out of them, the first one is good, she is supportive, she always understand, she care so much, she doesn’t demand too much, and she have a hand work.

but if she is angry with you or she suspect u of anything, they is always a war, even if u apologize, before she accept things as already been destroy, but the second one she is not yet working, she is caring too, and she always have a good plan for the feature, she is loyal, she ask question before getting to action, so guys which one is good to settle down with?”

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