RUTO’s government releases RAILA’s supporters arrested during Saba Saba revolution after WILLY MUTUNGA’s intervention.


Monday, July 10, 2023 – Azimio Leader Raila Odinga’s supporters who were arrested during Saba Saba protests last week can take a sigh of relief after police officers released them.

The activists were arrested while taking part in anti-government protests in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) against the orders of the city’s regional commander, Adamson Bungei.

In a statement, Civil Activist Boniface Mwangi confirmed that his colleagues were held for a longer period without being charged in court.

“All the young activists arrested on Friday in Nairobi at the Saba Saba March for Our Lives protests have been released. They hadn’t committed a crime.

“They were simply carrying placards. The police have given them free bond. Thank you to everyone who demanded their release,” Mwangi stated.

Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga was teargassed at the Central Police Station in Nairobi on Saturday, July 8, while advocating for the release of activists who were behind bars.

Mutunga was accompanied by a group of human rights activists when they arrived at the station.

The police fired tear gas at the group, forcing them to disperse.

The teargassing of Mutunga was condemned by human rights groups and opposition politicians who accused the government of using excessive force against peaceful protesters.

The release also sparked a serious debate online with many accusing the police of breaking the Law for holding the activists for more than 24 hours without charging them.

Critics argued that the police ought to have arraigned the activists in court on Friday immediately after their arrest.

They claimed that the delay broke the law and caused unnecessary pain to the suspects.

Besides, the critics noted that the activists should have been given the same free police bond instead of being held in police custody for almost three days.  

David Ndii, the chairman of the Presidential Economic Council, responded to the release of the activists by stating that the police should at all times work within the Law.  

“Minutes short of 24 hours, they can hold them without charge. Police have done exactly what they intended, abuse power within the law.

“We need police accountability, not executive goodwill.

“But these politically wounded activists think I’m the enemy – lashing out without thinking,” David Ndii stated.

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