Teenager arrested for stabbing teacher in UK school

 Monday, July 10, 2023 – A teenage boy has been arrested after he allegedly stabbed a teacher who has now been rushed to the hospital.

The incident reportedly occurred at Tewkesbury School at Ashchurch Road, Gloucestershire, and the property has been surrounded by emergency services after it was locked down.

Cops were called to the scene around 9am after receiving reports that a pupil had stabbed a staff member. The male teacher has since been rushed to hospital with a suspected stab wound injury.

“An adult has been taken to hospital with a suspected stab wound following an incident at Tewkesbury School. Police were called around 9.10am today (Monday 10 July) with a report a pupil had stabbed a teacher. police said

“A teenage boy has been arrested in connection with the incident. Parents or carers of pupils at the school are being advised to go to Dobbies Garden Centre on Diamond Road where police will be able to offer assistance.”

The school’s headteacher Kathleen McGillycuddy also said in a statement addressed to parents;

“We appreciate that this morning has been a worrying time for all associated with Tewkesbury Academy. We are writing to reassure you that all pupils remain safe and well.

“We were alerted shortly before 9am this morning to reports of a serious incident which left a male member of staff in need of hospital treatment. The school was locked down and police were called immediately when we became aware of this incident.

“We have since been taking advice from the Police on when and how to share updates with you. In the last few minutes police have arrested a teenage boy in connection with this incident.

“In conjunction with Police advice the lockdown remains in place as a precaution. We hope to be able to provide a further update once cleared by Police in the near future.

“Thank you for patience and understanding at this difficult time.”

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