Don’t allow your differences to scuttle bipartisan talks, we need it as a country – WETANGULA now begs RUTO and RAILA


Sunday, September 24, 2023 – National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has asked members of bipartisan talks to guard against differences that can scuttle the talks.

Speaking at Chwele girls’ high school in Sirisia constituency, Bungoma County, where he led more than 20 MPs in a funds drive in aid of the school, Wetangula noted with concern the war of words between members of the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio Coalition at the talks at Bomas of Kenya and urged them not to lose focus.

“I have seen Members of the bi-partisan talks wrangling. I urge them not to lose the plot, equation and direction. Be focused and bring equality the president has desired the country to have,” said the Speaker.

According to Wetangula, the talks are anchored in Parliament under the Speaker and he will guard against any attempts to scuttle them.

Wetangula who was accompanied by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi once again called on leaders in the region to put aside their political differences and unite for the prosperity of the community.

“This time round we want all the communities in the Western region to walk together. Our equation has always been incomplete without all the communities living in the region,” he emphasized.

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