Kenyans accuse CHERARGEI of ‘living in a morgue’ after saying RUTO has done more than KENYATTA, MOI, KIBAKI, and UHURU.


Monday, September 18, 2023 – Kenyans across the political divide have castigated Nandi County Senator, Samson Cherargei after he claimed that President William Ruto has outperformed all former Presidents in the one year he has been in office.

According to the Senator, Ruto has done a lot compared to the late President Jomo Kenyatta, the late retired President Daniel Moi, the late retired President Mwai Kibaki, and the retired President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“In one year, the Ruto administration has done a lot compared to Kenyatta 1, Moi, Kibaki, and Kenyatta 2 that has ensured the country is on track on prosperity.

“The economy has stabilised, the fight against corruption is on kama switch, agriculture has regained its value, equality in development, employment opportunities and respect for the rule of law, unity of the nation and lowering the cost of living,” Cherargei stated.

Kenyans have lambasted the vocal senator, accusing him of not being in touch with reality since the cost of living has been worse under the Ruto regime.

They accused the lawmaker of living in another planet since under Ruto’s leadership, fuel has hit a record high and many families in the country have been unable to afford three meals daily.

“Cherargei is living on Mars,” said Samson Ndeti.

“Cherargei might be living in the morgue since he doesn’t realise how Kenyans are suffering,” said Lawrence Maguta.

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