CHARITY NGILU should be in Prison by now for stealing Sh 10 billion – ODM Senator says


Thursday, October 19, 2023 – An outspoken Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Senator has opined that former Kitui County Governor, Charity Ngilu, should be in prison for mismanaging public funds during her tenure as Governor

According to Homa Bay Senator, Moses Kajwang, Charity Ngilu planned the fire that destroyed crucial finance records in 2020.

The fire is said to have thwarted the audit of nearly Sh10 billion that had been spent because the documentation was burnt to ashes.

Kajwang, who is a member of the Senate watchdog committee said Ngilu is supposed to be arrested and taken to court over the disappearance of Sh 10 billion.

“There is no way an entire allocation for a financial year worth Sh 10 billion just went up in smoke.”

“Someone should be in jail,” Kajwang said.

Kajwang’s sentiments were echoed by Kitui County Governor, Julius Malombe, and Kitui Senator, Enoch Wambua, who said Ngilu must be probed over the disappearance of billions of shillings during her tenure.

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