Drama as a LADY locks a rogue city council askari in her car and takes him for a ‘road trip’ after an altercation over parking in Nairobi CBD (VIDEO)

 Thursday, October 19, 2023 – A rogue city council askari found himself in an unfamiliar situation after a no-nonsense lady locked him in her car, following a dispute over parking violation.

The lady identified as Ntazola Gloria took a video of the dramatic incident and shared it on social media.

The incident began when the officer approached the lady’s car after a parking offence and entered her vehicle.

She explained that she had not committed any offence to warrant him entering her car.

In the video, she can be heard expressing her frustration.

“Why have you entered my car? Why are you people like that? Was that an offence to make you get into my car? I’m going with you to my destination because why would you get into my car? Are you a traffic police? she asks the officer.

The officer tries to explain his actions and pleads for forgiveness.

However, his pleas fall on deaf ears.

“Don’t be like that, madam, please. You could just explain yourself, madam. Why are you abusing me? Can’t we speak?” he pleads.

However, the lady remains steadfast in her decision and insists on driving the officer to her home in Ngong town as a form of punishment for his unexpected intrusion.

Along the way, the officer makes a phone call to his colleague and informs him that they were along State House Road.

Towards the end of the video, they are seen driving along the Nairobi Expressway as the lady continues to lecture the seemingly shaken officer.

Watch the video.

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