El Nino is now gone thanks to prayers we held at Nyayo where RAILA and his allies mocked us – RUTO takes credit for the change of weather patterns

 Monday, October 23, 2023 – President William Ruto yesterday announced that the destructive El Nino rains that Kenyans were expecting will not be there thanks to the constant prayers by his administration.

The Head of State attributed the change of pattern to Kenya Kwanza’s belief in God and prayers conducted at the Nyayo Stadium.

According to him, they prayed for rain and God gave them rain, and even changed what would have been destructive rain to good rain.

He told those who criticized them for praying for rain just to believe in God and receive their miracles.

“There are those who criticised us when we prayed for rains at Nyayo stadium. They said a whole President is praying for rain. Now see, we have more rains than we have had in four years, that is God’s doing,” he added.

According to Ruto, the meteorologists had rescinded their earlier projection predicting the possibility of El Nino rains.

“We heard reports that the country will experience El Nino rains, which have the potential to destroy property. But God has been faithful,” Ruto explained.

“We have now heard the meteorologists saying that will no longer be the case. We will just have heavy rains. We thank God.”

In an earlier projection, the Kenya Meteorological Department had indicated that Kenya would experience El Nino between the months of October and December.

In some regions like Western Kenya and parts of Rift Valley, the Department had indicated that El Nino effects would extend to January 2024.

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