Just like RUTO, SAKAJA may also not see heaven – See what he did to hawkers selling smokies and eggs in the CBD?


Thursday October 19, 2023 – A section of Kenyans expressed their anger after Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja unleashed his askaris, popularly known as Kanjos, to terrorize hawkers in town despite campaigning on the platform of elevating the small man (hustler).

The Nairobi Kanjos were caught on camera vandalising and seizing smokie vendors’ carts on orders from above. 

The photos shared widely depicted smokies and boiled eggs sprawled on the roadside as a county askari lorry towed other trolleys.

“My friends wa kanjo, if it is a must to arrest these people, please do it in a humane way.”

“Protect whatever the businesses, big or small.”

“Their families depend on that for survival.” read a Facebook post by philanthropist Ndungu Nyoro. 

The activist further urged well-wishers to help him track down one of the vendors who incurred losses in the raid. 

“Someone has promised to help restock whatever was in the trolley if we can trace the owner.”

“Do you know how we can reach him/her ndio watoto wasilale njaa?” 

Efforts to reach the Nairobi County Government to address the issues were unsuccessful, as officials were unavailable. 

The county had earlier embarked on a plan to relocate all city traders to back alleys and feeder-street lanes in a move to create order in the city.

Sakaja wanted the small-scale traders to flourish in an orderly way, thus approving the relocation of 6,500 hawkers. 

Among areas within the CBD that were earmarked for this exercise included Sotik Road, Dubois, Turkana Drive, Posta, and Kirinyaga Lane. 

Sakaja also increased cess fees for traders selling sweets from Ksh20 to Ksh50 per day and an annual fee of Ksh2,500 per year.

Other changes included traders selling food paying Ksh1,500 for a handler’s health certificate, up from Ksh1,000.

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