Kalenjin Elders ask God to stop El Nino rains so that they can celebrate Mashujaa Day on Friday with their ‘son’, arap RUTO


Thursday, October 19, 2023 – A section of Kalenjin community elders has surprised Kenyans after they prayed requesting God to stop the ongoing El Nino rains so that they could celebrate Mashujaa Day at Kericho Green Stadium on Friday.

A survey by the Kenya Meteorological Department shows Kericho will record high rainfall on Friday when President William Ruto will be leading the Mashuja Day Celebrations fete.

Two elders – Elijah Kiboloin and John Sigei – said they will ask God to keep the rain away so that they can celebrate the day with sunshine.

This came even as the organisers of the ceremony said they will open the Kericho Green Stadium at 3 a.m. and asked the public to be seated by 5 a.m.

“Kericho County and Rift Valley Region at large are ready to host over 10, 000 attendees of the event at the Kericho Green Stadium,” said Dr Abdi Hassan, the Rift Valley Regional Commissioner.

The official programme begins at 9 am but officials are expected to begin earlier.

The theme of this year’s Mashujaa Day is Universal Health Coverage.

President William Ruto returned to the country on Thursday morning from his official trip to China ahead of the celebrations.

The Head of State will lead Kenyans in marking the day that will also be used to fete various heroes and heroines.

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