MUTULA KILONZO Jr. exonerates RUTO from PORTLAND demolitions – Blames this heartless person


Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – Makueni County Governor, Mutula Kilonzo Jr., has surprised Kenyans after he exonerated President William Ruto from the ongoing evictions at the East African Portland Cement Company (EAPCC).

The demolitions began on Saturday after Lukenya Farmers lost a court case where they had claimed the ownership of a 1000-acre piece of land.

Mutula, in a social media post on Tuesday, blamed the court ruling, saying the judge who decided the case should have considered the principle of an “innocent purchaser for value without notice” and the larger notion of public interest.

Mutula said the demolished houses were not built overnight and the court should have considered that before making the unpopular ruling.

In determining the Mavoko land saga, the Court should have considered public interest and the celebrated principle of “ innocent purchaser for value without notice”!

These houses were not built overnight. It is simply not human to render so many people destitute for commercial expediency,” Mutula wrote on his X platform.

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