Nairobi Governor JOHNSON SAKAJA orders hawkers to be kicked out of the Central Business District (CBD) – They make Nairobi look like a KIOSK

 Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – Nairobi County Governor, Johnson Sakaja has begun the herculean task of evicting hawkers from Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD).

For the last year, hawkers have invaded all Nairobi streets with their wares and they even block major roads like Moi Avenue, Tom Mboya, and River Road.

However, on Wednesday, Sakaja directed the County Inspectorate to kick out all hawkers from the CBD and make Nairobi great again.

Nairobi has estimated over 50,000 hawkers and Sakaja, in his manifesto, said he will build 20 markets in Nairobi to ensure that hawkers have a place to sell their merchandise.

The hawkers’ menace in Nairobi has been attributed to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, who has been blocking Sakaja’s move to clean Nairobi by removing them from the streets and allocating them to new markets outside the city.

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