ODM Governor JOSEPH OLE LENKU makes the big announcement in the presence of RAILA – See what he said that left some people very upset?


Monday, October 23, 2023 – President William Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza brigade must be very disappointed in Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku.

This is after he pledged his allegiance to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and affirmed his loyalty to the ODM party despite recent political dalliance with Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza administration.

Speaking during a church service in Kajiado, attended by Raila Odinga and high-ranking leaders in the opposition’s Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya coalition, Ole Lenku said he was a proud member of the ODM party, on whose ticket he was re-elected county boss in last year’s polls.

“I’m very proud being an ODM governor and Azimio la Umoja. We have no shame because it is the truth,” Ole Lenku stated.

The second-term governor also seized the moment to heap praise on Raila and Azimio co-principals Martha Karua and Kalonzo Musyoka for their role in his poll victory.

“Our coalition contributed a lot to my re-election and I thank Raila Odinga, Karua and Kalonzo for campaigning for me. I am happy to associate with you,” the governor added.

Ole Lenku is among a section of Azimio governors who have pledged to work with Ruto’s government for the benefit of their counties, despite criticism from big shots in the opposition coalition.

In January this year, the governor said the ‘past is behind us’ as he declared support for Ruto’s administration, which was at the time under strong opposition from Raila and his camp over alleged electoral fraud.

Speaking during an interview with a local radio station a few days after the event, the governor also appeared to criticize Raila’s calls for mass action to protest against the cost of living and electoral injustices.

These gave Kenya Kwanza some false hope, where they thought Lenku had also dumped Raila for Ruto, but as it turns out, he is solidly in ODM.

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