RAILA ODINGA attacks RUTO badly after he was denied access to the venue of ongoing demolitions in ATHI RIVER

 Tuesday, October 17, 2023 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance supremo, Raila Odinga, has savagely attacked President William Ruto over the ongoing evictions at the East Africa Portland Cement Company (EAPCC).

More than 1000 families were rendered homeless after government bulldozers flattened houses which it claimed were built on land belonging to EAPCC.

Speaking on Tuesday, Raila termed the demolitions as a violation of human rights and ungodly.

“What is going on here is ungodly. During Ruto’s campaign in July 2022, he had promised to abolish unlawful demolitions in the country; this is exactly what he is doing,” Raila said.

He added that the most affected people are among the poorest of the poor and upcoming middle class who have witnessed their lifelong savings turned to ashes. 

“Children who are learning in some of the schools here have seen their school going down despite upcoming national examinations. The eviction has taken place just as the rains are coming in, and left without alternative accommodation and essential needs,” he noted. 

Raila further alleged that the evictions had been accompanied by excessive use of force by police and local authorities, who intended to inflict human pain and damages. 

“There have been reports of injuries, and theft of property belonging to the people who are suffering from loss.” 

He urged the government to have a plan for settling the affected people. 

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